How to start a successful business in the countryside

Oct 29, 2018

How to start a successful business in the countryside

Rural businesses are booming – here’s how to make a success of your new venture…  

When you work a 9-5 in the city it can be hard to imagine that there’s life beyond the daily commute. But, don’t be fooled – the countryside is teeming with entrepreneurs and freelancers, home-workers and consultants, who are all earning a living while living where they love.


Step into the countryside and you discover a place where the people are enterprising beyond traditional industries and where, with appropriate support, innovation can thrive. Predominantly rural areas in England contribute at least £237 billion a year directly to the economy and rural areas across the UK have the potential to contribute even more.

business in the countryside

It’s no secret that more and more people are quitting the rat race in the city to seek a more manageable pace of life. Working in the countryside provides an antidote to the burn out and mental stress that afflicts city workers. And this is something policy makers are finally beginning to understand – that business is booming out in the sticks. And with ultrafast fibre broadband being made available to every household in the UK, the opportunities for countryside working have never looked better.


If you’re thinking of starting your own business in the countryside, here are a few words of advice:

Don’t give up the day job:

Well, not just yet unless you’ve got the savings in place. It would make more financial sense to work on your business while continuing your day job so that you don’t have financial worry to add to an already stressful time. Without the pressure to turn a quick profit, you are less likely to rush things and make mistakes, allowing the business to grow organically and develop a more stable footing.

Ask for help:

business in the countrysideThere are plenty of people who have been in your position and who are more than willing to help you as you set out.

Speaking to people in the know will help you sidestep some of the common pitfalls and could prove to be useful contacts for your future business.


Get to know your market:

Customer research and feedback is vital if you’re selling a product or providing services for people. Speak to the end users to learn what they like or don’t like about your idea. Go to farmers’ markets, local fairs and other events where your end users might shop.

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